Buying software as a small business - what to look for? - MoversTech CRM

Running a small business is easier if you have the right set of tools to help you along the way. Software apps are one of the necessities of the business world since they help you organize your business. However, purchasing software is not the easiest thing to do. If you don’t think it through, you might end up spending money on something you don’t actually need. To avoid this problem, MoversTech explores what to look for when buying software as a small business.

Look for a software app within your budget

It is crucial to understand that all software apps do is make it easier to run a business. You can do things manually without them, although it will be harder. With that in mind, do not overspend when buying software as a small business. Remember that you need to manage your finances with precision, reckless spending will get you nowhere.

Before you purchase a software app, think about how much you are willing to spend on it. Luckily, apps have different payment plans, so even if you don’t have a large budget, you can still find something useful. Nevertheless, it is better to know what your limit is.

Put usefulness in front of other factors

Remember that you are purchasing software to help your business. That means, spend money only on an app that can improve a process you are struggling with. Something necessary. If you find software that could be useful in the future, but you don’t need it at the moment, do not buy it now. That is also considered reckless spending. With that in mind:

  • put your needs and requirements on paper;
  • create a list of potential issues with daily tasks;
  • speak with your employees and see what their thoughts are. Is there something they are doing manually, and it takes a lot of time?
  • finally, be sure to know why you are purchasing software;

When you have everything sorted out, and you know what you need, you can proceed with the next step.

What types of software can be helpful for a small business?

The world of software apps is vast. There are so many business applications to choose from, that you might discover you are struggling with deciding what you want. Do not worry, we are here to give you an overview of the types of software you might find useful.

Scheduling apps and planners

A scheduling software app is a good way to track all sorts of things. You can manage employee scheduling, overtime hours, business meetings, customer meetings, the list goes on. This type of software really helps with managing time and organizing workday activities for everyone. Before you purchase a scheduling app, consider the number of employees. If you only have a few, you don’t really need something complex. There are many free planners, so try one of these before you spend money.

Time tracking apps

Another example of a very useful type of business apps is time tracking software. It conveniently tracks everything you might think of:

  • employee schedules and vacations;
  • overtime hours;
  • employee check-in and check-out time;
  • the completion time of projects and other daily tasks;
  • salary payments;

A time tracking software is like a scheduling app on steroids. It offers an abundance of efficient options that will improve productivity in your company. It even helps you to track communication with customers. You will discover effective ways to use customer data.


There is a huge discussion on the difference between small business CRM and enterprise-level CRM. Many think that CRM for a small business is just an expense you don’t really need. Customer Relation Management software is not cheap, but it is highly efficient. With that in mind, this could be that one buy that you can use not only now, but also in the future. In case you wish to expand your company, CRM software is the right way to manage your data.

It allows you to create customer profiles, track all customer communication, and use a single platform between all of your teams. It is truly a useful app. Still, understand that CRM is also complex. Read more about it and understand all of the possibilities it offers. If you think you will use just a fraction of all the features, you can manage without it.

Business process automation apps

Business process automation is the key not only to saving time but also to preventing the loss of money. Redundancies in everyday tasks will affect the productivity and efficiency of your employees. As a result, you won’t be able to move forward as a business at a normal pace. Repetitive processes will hinder the development of your business.

Depending on what your company does, you need to look for apps that will help you to streamline all of your operations. Consequently, you will have a huge amount of saved time that could be used for something else.

Mind map software

Mind map apps are a fantastic addition for anyone who needs planning software. They work on the principle of diagrams that help visualize your planning process. They help you to show hierarchies and relations between different parts of the project and also help employees to track their assigned duties.

Buying software as a small business is easy if you know what you need

To sum up, you should only resort to buying software as a small business when you really need it. Do not splurge on fancy apps just because you can. Focus on apps that will help you track customer communication and relations, manage employees, and automate your business. That is considered a good investment for a small business. Do not waste money on unnecessary apps you don’t really need. If you follow this logic, you will make a smart purchase that will help improve your business.

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