If you plan on making a website, there are a couple of things you need to tackle. First, you need to design your website so that it looks pleasant to the viewers. Then you need to organize it so that it is intuitive and easy to navigate. After that, you need to optimize it so that it runs smoothly and there are no hiccups. And last, but definitely, not least, you need to keep your website safe. Optimizing your website security is not only necessary for an enjoyable user experience. But also for various legal and practical reasons. So, with this in mind, let’s take a quick look into how to optimize the safety of your website.

How to go about optimizing your website security

A professional pointing to a laptop during a consultation.
An IT expert can easily point to the potential flaws in your security and help with optimizing your website security.

Website security is not a trivial matter. While you can do a lot to optimize it, you should keep in mind that no online article can teach you all you need to know. So, if you are serious about keeping your website safe, we strongly recommend that you consult with a professional. Every website is different, and your’s might have specific safety requirements. A single session with a seasoned safety expert will give you all the necessary info on how to keep your website safe.

Use the right security tools

The first step to optimizing your website security is to get the necessary security tools. Most people make the mistake of either getting what is popular, or what is most budget-friendly. While the popular, or the budget-friendly option may provide you with decent security, you need to do a bit more research if you are serious about keeping your website safe. Namely, what you need to do is to understand what your website’s safety requirements are. Ecommerce websites have different safety requirements from simple blogs. And websites that gather declared data need different security from those that don’t. Your job is to understand your website and use the right security tool.

Use the right tools, overall

A person incorporating different elements into a website.
When it comes to website tools, you should always strive for quality over quantity.

There is hardly a website out there that doesn’t rely on third-party tools. Plugins, add-ons, and various systems help the website run smoothly, perform various tasks and ensure compatibility. But, unfortunately, people don’t always pick the right tool for the job. For instance, a moving company might opt for standard CRM, instead of specialized customer management software for moving companies. While this may seem trivial, it does have certain implications. By doing so you are not only underutilizing your tool. But, you are also potentially putting your website in danger. An improper tool might not have the necessary safety measures that a specialized one does. So, overall, try your best to pick the right tool for the job.

Simplify your website

A simple website is a safe website. While this might seem like a straightforward idea, most website owners fail to recognize it. Namely, while designing a website, it might seem that adding various features is a good idea. Adding things like forums or comment sections might seem like a good idea at first. And, since you are using CRM email marketing for movers, why not collect their declared data, right? Well, know that doing so opens up your website for online attacks. Every extra layer of complexity poses another safety risk. And, at a certain point, you simply cannot keep your website safe. If you plan on having a complex website, make sure that you make it so from the start. Don’t add things as you go along and hope for the best.

Regularly change your password

This is something that everyone knows, but few people actually do. Namely, if you plan on running a safe website, you need to change your passwords on a regular basis. Yes, it is arduous, and yes it can be difficult to keep track of them. But know that doing so is one of the best ways to protect yourself from brute hacks.

A login page, representing a necessary step in optimizing your website security.
It is hard to underestimate the value of having a strong password.

When choosing a password make sure that you use capital letters, lowercase letters and numbers. By using all three, you exponentially increase the safety of your password. So much so that a standard having bot can figure out a lowercase password whiting a couple of hours. While a password that contains all three will essentially take years to crack.

Update your website

No matter how much you optimize your website safety, it is paramount that you update it on a regular basis. Hosting platforms like WordPress take great care in safety measures. They have dedicated teams that follow the current online safety trends and do their best to ensure the overall safety on their platform. So, if you want to reap the benefit from their work, update regularly. This goes for both your website and for any plugin or addon that you use. Know that a single missed update can be a potential safety risk.

Understanding the risks of your online presence

While optimizing your website security is an important subject, know that there is no way to make your website full proof. As IT technologies evolve, so do the potential online threats. So, the best course of action is to understand the risk of your online presence and keep up to date with modern safety recommendations. This is especially important to keep in mind if you plan on tackling customer data. While a moving company CRM does give you a certain amount of safety, it cannot protect you from everything. So, to keep your data safe, you need to use the right tools and follow the right safety protocols. The closer you are able to follow the suggested safety procedures, the better.

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