10 ways to generate moving company leads
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Trying to generate moving company leads is something most business owners in this industry struggle with. And there is never just one reason behind it. There are those that don’t invest in their online marketing campaigns enough. Others make little use of their brand to influence audiences. And then there are those that don’t focus enough on growing their presence locally. But in most cases, it’s a combination of two or more factors. To help mitigate this, we give you our selection of ten different ways to generate leads as a moving company. We are confident that some (if not all) of these aspects should help you on your way to developing your moving business presence and growing its revenue.
Different ways to generate moving company leads
To generate moving company leads, you need not use all the methods we will outline. In fact, trying to utilize them all will likely yield little result, as you will spread yourself too thin. Instead, try to outline what leads management for your moving company requires, and work towards improving that.
1: Improve your branding
Whether or not you will get leads as a moving company is largely dependent on how recognizable your brand is. Companies with good brand management and even decent brand recognition usually do just fine when it comes to moving leads. So, all things considered, we would suggest that you start by going over your brand. Things like:
- Logo and logo placement.
- The core idea behind your brand.
- Brand integration.
All play an important role in how recognizable your brand is, and how many leads it generates.
2: Email marketing
Email marketing is a tried and true method for moving companies to both get leads and improve conversion rates. To tackle it properly, you will first need to get one of the systems for CRM email marketing for moving companies. With it, you’ll be able to outline your customer base and see which emails are best suited for them. Seasonal promotions, discounts, and special deals can all help tremendously in generating leads. But, you need to know who to target and when.
3: PPC
If you are already running a decent website, an easy way to generate leads is to invest in PPC. PPC stands for Pay Per Click. These are ads that search engines like Google or Bing constantly run. The idea is that you pay these search engines per customer’s click on the ad (hence the PPC name). Whether or not these clicks will be fruitful is based on whether you add is good, and whether your website can support it. But, all things considered, it is one of the more straightforward ways for you to generate leads.
4: SEO
SEO, on the other hand, is a bit more difficult to tackle. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It entails managing your entire online presence so that your website comes up at the top of search results. Seeing that most customers look for movers online, SEO can have a good ROI. But, it will take time and effort to tackle properly. In most cases, companies choose to outsource SEO management to a marketing company. And, unless you plan on running an internal marketing team, we suggest that you do the same.
5: Social media
Social media is, obviously, quite instrumental in finding moving company leads. With good social media management, you can easily cover a large portion of your audience. The main trick is identifying which social media platform to focus on. Here is where CRM software for movers can be of use, as it will allow you to identify your target demographic and their preferred platform. Once you do that, you can set up your profile so that it naturally attracts potential customers.
6: Use your moving trucks
Fortunately, when generating leads for your moving company you don’t have to solely rely on online practices. Moving trucks, for instance, can be quite beneficial in brand recognition and customer acquisition. Especially when it comes to your local area. The main thing to remember is to properly outline your logo and company information. Placing too much info on your moving trucks is just as bad as not placing enough.
7: Connect with local realtors
As a moving company, it is important to recognize that you do not function in a vacuum. Your company naturally connects to various industries like storage, real estate, and general transport. So, it is in your best interest to align yourself with successful companies in each of these areas. When it comes to realtors, the best course of action is to set up a deal. The swing customers your way, you swing customers their way. Every successful swing deserves a monetary reward. Simple, effective, clear. Just make sure that you only work with realtors with good reputations.
8: Connect with the local community
Connecting with the local community can be surprisingly easy, which is why we are surprised that so many companies are confused about how to do it. Namely, the best course of action is to offer your services for community programs. Charity fundraisers, community events, local concerts… All of them could make good use of a professional mover. If they cannot pay you, make sure that they include you in their promotion.
9: Connect with storage companies
The connection between storage companies and moving companies is quite apparent. This is, of course, if you don’t offer your own storage services. In that case, seek out local storage companies and see which of them will give you the best deal. Working with the companies that are nearest to you can be beneficial. But don’t neglect to compare their offers and see which company gives you the best offer.
10: Ask customers
The final way to generate moving company leads is to simply ask your customers for recommendations. Those that are satisfied with your service will naturally recommend you to their friends and family. But, don’t rely solely on the good heart of your clients. Instead, give them a clear incentive to recommend you. A nominal discount can generate quite a few leads and easily pay for the initial loss. You can also ask your customers to give their testimonials, and so help you convince other people to work with you.
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